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Obviously, the biggest blessing to us would be seeing you and celebrating with you on our wedding day. But if you can't make it, or feel compelled to bless us further, we are registered with Blueprint Registry. You can click the link below to see our page. 

Items on our Registry

We love that our Blueprint Registry gives people the opportunity to contribute towards special moments for us, and not just appliances to fill our home. Here are some highlights you'll find on our registry page.

Honeymoon Fund

We're planning on taking a honeymoon in the Smokey Mountains and enjoying the scenery while getting some quality time together. Any  gifts you'd be willing to give would be greatly appreciated! 


Date Nights

Every married couple has told us how important it is to still date each other after we get married. If you want to be the sponser of one of those date nights, you can contribute here!

Holding Hands

So much more!

We've got so many other things listed on the registry! If you want the full list, click the link below!

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