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Meet the people most important to us.


Aaron Buehrer

Best Man

"From the moment I met Aaron, I immediately liked him. He's just that kind of person that you can instantly get along with. What I didn't anticipate, is that in him I would find a friend that I would bond my soul with like David did with Jonathan. Aaron's heart for worship is so pure, and the hours that we've spent pouring into each other's lives, and seeking the heart of God are hours I wouldn't trade for anything else. There's nobody I'd rather have at my side on my wedding day than my brother, Aaron."


- Bryan

Anna Mazzocchi

Maid of Honor

"Anna was actually in my British literature class my freshman year at Texas A&M, and I had a major friend crush on her -- I didn't know her name, but all I knew was that I was drawn to her kind spirit and wished I was half as cool as her! Once I got to know Anna through political activism then a summer living in a basement in Chicago together, I knew she was a friend for life. Anna embodies loyalty and chooses to see the best in people. She is someone who has seen me at my absolute worst and has chosen to stick around. Through the thick and thin of the past seven years (WOW), Anna has been a walking, talking example of God's goodness in providing friends that walk with you in all seasons."


- Caroline

Johnny Benz


"There are few men who have shaped my life like Johnny Benz has. When we first started doing ministry together, Johnny spent hours bonding with me over the game Magic: the Gathering. Soon enough, those hours were spent discussing and debating various theological topics and sharing in the struggles of life together. Johnny is the kind of man that not only seeks to understand the heart of God, but seeks to understand your heart as well. I can say without a doubt, few people know me as well as Johnny does, and I'm blessed to have him by my side on my wedding day."


- Bryan

Katie Stout


"Whenever I describe Katie to anyone, the words firecracker, fierce, and independent are some of the first out of my mouth. Growing up together, we didn't always get along -- what sisters do? But her fearless, no-nonsense spirit has always challenged me to hold onto that part of myself and be less afraid to let the world know who I am. Katie fights for what she believes in, loves her friends and family ferociously, and blesses everyone lucky enough to know her. I'm so thankful to have Katie by my side on my wedding day."


- Caroline

Dan Leffingwell


"There are few friends you find in life like Dan. While our initial bond came through making music together in our college choir, our relationship deepened as we began to worship together and explore what it means to worship Jesus as the Church. Dan not only has an unwavering commitment to the gospel, but also to his friends, which makes him a truly special person in my life. I'm so glad he'll be standing with me worshiping our Lord as I enter into this covenant relationship with Caroline."


- Bryan
- Caroline

Madeline Stout


"Madeline is one of those gals that just knows who she is. Confident, steadfast, brilliant -- Madeline is a force to be reckoned with. Few people can get me laughing quite like Madeline does -- I'm talking about that kind of laughter at the level of complete lunacy and ridiculousness. Madeline is such a blessing and light to anyone lucky enough to call her friend and anyone even luckier to call her sister. I am so grateful to have her stand by my side on my wedding day."



Ryan Kennedy


"When I first moved to Houston, I had heard rumors that Ryan Kennedy and his wife, Charity, were starting a ministry in town. When I met him, we immediately struck up a friendship as I discovered how similar our heartbeats for ministry are -- seeing people enter into, and experience the presence of God, and calling for a revival in the Church. Over the past year and a half, our bond has only strengthened as we have sought to see His Kingdom come here in Houston as it is in Heaven. I'm so thankful to have Ryan with me as I usher in this new chapter of my life."


- Bryan

Kandace Kriesel


"For so many reasons the world would call Kandace and me crazy for being best friends, but God had different plans. Although we'd known each other since junior high, I really got close with Kandace when I moved back to Katy after graduating from Texas A&M. Our visions for ministry aligned immediately and her spiritual leadership lit a fire in me that completely changed the way I viewed "church". If I hadn't grown in my friendship with Kandace, my journey into knowing and loving God the way I do now would look so much different. She has encouraged me and loved me through one of the most trying yet fruitful seasons of my life, and I am so, so blessed to have her stand by my side on my wedding day to celebrate how far God has brought me."


- Caroline

Brock Hatfield


"There's nobody in my life like my brother, Brock. We met when I was in 8th grade and he was a sophomore in high school, and since then we've been as thick as thieves. We've travelled across the country together on missions trips and we've been to more concerts and movies together than I can count. Not only is he one of my oldest friends, but he's also the person who showed me how to wrestle with some of the hardest things life can throw at you, while still having faith in God. It's so meaningful to me to have someone standing with me on my wedding day that has watched me walk through so many stages of my life before this, and still calls me his brother. I love you, man. Thanks for always being there."


- Bryan

Elissa Covey


"Anyone who describes someone else as a ray of sunshine just hasn't met Elissa. Born exactly nine months before me, Elissa and I truly have been best friends since the day I was born. From ice skating to sleepovers to dreams of owning horses together, Elissa has been my quintessential childhood best friend since day one. I feel so, so lucky to have a friend like her that has cheered me on for twenty-five years. Everybody's cheerleader, Elissa always leaves people smiling, and I am so excited to have this radiant soul stand by my side on my wedding day."


- Caroline

Billy Hartenberger


"Billy has been an incredible friend of mine since our days together in college. While also being one of the best drummers I know, he also has one of the biggest hearts - not just for people, but for God. Billy and I have walked through some of life's darkest valleys, as well as life's biggest triumphs together. He is such a great example of a friend who is always there, and I'm so glad he'll be standing with me on my wedding day!"


- Bryan

Savannah Rios


"After being acquaintances with Sav for a few months, she and I finally grabbed brunch one morning, and I immediately knew she was a friend for life. Savannah loves people harder than anyone I know and fights for what is best for them. A fierce advocate and loyal friend with a tender heart -- Savannah is a blessing to anyone lucky enough to know her and call her friend. After COVID kept us apart for too long, God brought us back together in Oklahoma City for renewed friendship that has kept me grounded and encouraged in this challenging season of life. I am so grateful to have Savannah celebrating with me on my wedding day."


- Caroline

Summer Morriss


"Summer is one of my oldest friends. We went to church together growing up and reconnected after graduating from college. After a tough time in our friendship, God led us back together to reconcile and start fresh. I am so thankful to have Summer standing by my side on my wedding day!"


- Caroline

Evan Stout


"Growing up as a single child, I had always wanted a brother. That's why I'm excited to have Evan stand beside me on our wedding day. Caroline's little brother has seen her through each stage of life up until now. He brings an upbeat attitude and a contagious laugh that will make our wedding day even better. I'm so happy to have Evan as one of my groomsman, and look forward to making many new memories with my brother."


- Bryan
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